Tuesday, April 16, 2013

A Perfect Feeling

I've been thinking about my beautiful family a lot lately. I feel like we live this little fairy tale life and I love every minute of it. We come together with music a lot and my children have developed this amazing sense of culture and it's such a different experience from what I had growing up. An example: While walking by the produce section at the grocery store the water sprinkling warning song came on an Em immediately gave me the biggest smile and started clapping and jumping. It was Singing in the Rain and she recognized it instantly. That makes me so proud. I love car time because our kids control the music. We listen to Beck's song: Kick Drum Heart and he sings every word of it. He even does the raspy yell. Then we all listen to our favorite Bollywood songs and they've started singing them as well. Em even sang "Everybody is mean sometimes" to the melody of Everybody Hurts. All of those things make me so happy. My children love musicals, appreciate almost all music, and are developing this amazing vocabulary. Emaline says that paper is all wobbled up instead of wadded and I can't correct her. I like wobbled up better. I have this amazing, caring, ukelele carrying husband as well. He's by far the smartest person I've ever known but I still manage to keep him on his toes. We have our rough times and we are far from perfect, but it's everything I've ever wanted.